Eilisain Jewelry

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My New Favorite Podcasts!

I've written about podcasts before, on my old blog.  And that was ages ago so I felt it time to give you an update on some of my new favorite podcasts to listen to in the studio or when I'm cooking.

I got into podcasts about a year ago and they are such a great alternative to music when I'm spending time in the studio, working on waxes or finishing jewelry.  So here goes - my new FAVORITE podcasts:

1.  Bitch Sesh - If you are a Real Housewives fan then you MUST, I repeat MUST LISTEN to Casey Shepard and Danielle Schneider's raucous review of the shows.  And even if you aren't a fan of RH you will still laugh at their hilarious antics and day-to-day life commentary.

2.  Thrive by Design - If you're in the jewelry biz or even an entrepreneur then you definitely want to subscribe to Tracey Matthews’ awesome podcast that provides super great advice and tips to running a creative business. I've learned SO MUCH from this podcast.  I mean, it's helped make me money!

3.  Girlboss radio with Sophia Amoruso - Sophia has become one of my go to shero's for mirroring how to run a small business, I mean, she came up with Nasty Gal and it's huge.  Sophia interviews all sorts of girl bosses - from Charlize Theron to Best Coast lead singer, Bethany Consentino.  It's super light-hearted and fun!

4.  The Read - I got a tip from my friend and fellow jeweler, Tara Locklear, to listen to the Read. It's SO refreshing and REAL.  Kid Fury and Crissle are so hilarious, they analyze and breakdown pop culture, hip hop and more. 

5.  Creative Pep Talk - Some days I really do need a pep talk: someone to tell me that the small business and creative life is worth it! And Creative Pep Talk truly gives me new insight into who I am as an artist and maker.  Andy J. Miller covers everything from therapy to breaking down the barriers when you're stuck in a rut.
