Eilisain Jewelry

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Empowering Yourself Through Ritual

I have been stuck lately, for all my posts of goals and intentions, staying consistent can be hard. Especially when there is uncertainty and a global pandemic. But one thing that brings me back to the present, and out of my anxiety is ritual.

We humans are hard wired for routines and consistent actions, just think about it, when your routine gets thrown off or around the holidays we get excited for hanging up decorations there is a beautiful ritual that marks the beginning of a season.

Ritual also grounds us in the present and allows our brain to associate an action with a feeling. So how does ritual empower you? Ritual brings awareness to our action. I have a ritual, as do most parents, of reading a book to our children before bed. What does this do, this brings calm and a way for children to settle down from a long day and it empowers children to feel safe & secure.

My ritual of writing out my plans for the day empowers me to feel a sense of control and direction. We need this especially right now, where so much is out of our control.

Take some time now to think about the rituals you do daily, and consider new rituals that will empower you to achieve balance, sanity and focus.

My all time favorite ritual is my morning routine, I move my body for about 15 minutes, I thank my body and then I move on to meditation, prayer, mirror work (hyping myself up for the day) and then I journal and read a tarot card.

And look, there are days when I just want to lay in my bed longer, however this one simple routine/ritual has had immense ripple effects in my life. I’m much more calm, full of gratitude AND more importantly I feel empowered.

If you’d like to stay in touch and learn more methods for bringing intention, curiosity and joy in your life, follow along and join the Eilisain list. Click the link below my dears, and thank you as always for reading!